block level meetings organized for accelerating MNREGA work and addressing
job card issues
street plays performed to create awareness among people on MNREGA benefits
village level MNREGA awareness meetings held
job card application campaigns organized
puppetry on MNREGA performed
people are trained on MNREGA
meetings with Pradhan on issuing job cards
MNREGA unions formed and 54 meetings conducted
PRI members are trained on ways to create job opportunities under MNREGA
PRI members are trained on micro planning
6558 people
have become aware on MNREGA provisions and benefits
385 job cards
have been recovered by the people from Pradhan in Mathura District
458 people
applied for job cards
308 HHs
received job cards
416 people
newly applied for job
341 people
received jobs under MNREGA between 15 and 30 days with stipulated wages
Campaigns on water and soil testing
livestock rearers’ meeting conducted with an intake of 255 people
SHGs are formed
Interface meeting organized between beneficiaries and Service providers (Agriculture
department/banks/cooperative societies/NABARD/social welfare departments)
training on Social Security Schemes conducted in which 60 eligible people
on farmers on agricultural schemes
on veterinary schemes and food security
puppet shows performed on agricultural programmes
people were sensitized on modern farming through training programme
on RTI for CBO members carried out
on livestock management practices
SHG members are trained on Book keeping
farmers group formed
JLGs formed
1003 people
have become aware on KVK schemes and its benefits
667 people
became aware on NABARD schemes and schemes under cooperative bank &
agriculture department
225 farmers
received technical inputs,11 farmers received equipments and 319 farmers
received subsidized fertilizers from KVK
259 people
could examine their soil through KVK
10 farmer group
regularized their meeting
2562 domestic
animals were vaccinated
7 livestock
owners group formed
network with veterinary college in Mathura and through which veterinary
medical camp organized &528 families benefitted
100 people
received ration cards
21 people got
old age pension
6 widows
received pension
3 disabled got
5 people
received benefits under Bindhelkhand package
51 farmers
benefited veterinary scheme in Jhansi diocese
92 people have
become aware on food security scheme in Jhansi
40 farmers
obtained seed and other services from agricultural department
® 21 mass awareness programme on health
entitlements through wall writing slogan conducted by Lucknow
® 144 visits done by animators to AWC and
Health centers to ensure registration of eligible beneficiaries
® 3347 family visits done by animators to
motivate parents to send their children to AWC
® 18 pregnant and lactating mothers’group
® 170 meetings conducted for women and
children with an intake of 2405 members
® 2 training for VHSC members and PRI
members on monitoring the work of health service providers with an intake of
25 members done
® 3 liaising done with CDPO and
supervisor by staff and discussed on
various issues
® 29 adolescent groups have been formed
® 12 medical camps organized in
association with local hospitals in Mathura district
® 10 street plays performed to sensitize
community on health issues and entitlements
® 10 training on safe motherhood and
child survival
® 1 training conducted for TBA
(traditional Birth Attendant)
® Networking with various Government
® 15 Awareness on Health schemes
conducted and through which 76 beneficiaries updated their knowledge
2 Interface meeting with PHC
officials/ANM/ASHA/AWW/PRI/VHSC members
® 2 Interface programme with
service providers / VHSC members and CBOs
® 5 VHSC meetings carried out
® VHSC members monitored the work of
heath duty bearers 8 times and sent report to PHC once in Barabanki district
® 10 trainings conducted for VHSC members
on their roles and responsibilities
® 1 training for VHSC members on
preparation of health plan
783 children
immunized (BCG,DPT,measles,booster,polio)
125 children
obtained 3ANC
274 people
received TT
11 women
received 3PNC
85 women
benefited JSY
191 women and
children received supplementary diet
160 adolescents
received supplementary diet
23 women
received iron tablets
147 children
received preschool education
73% of women
and adolescents have become aware on their due rights and entitlements in
Lucknow diocese
82% of eligible
children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women are registered with
AWC and ANM in Lucknow diocese
204 pregnant
women and 255 lactating mothers are registered with AWC and ANM
3031 people
have become aware on health entitlements
322 children
are regularly attending Anganwadi
1695 people
benefitted out of medical camp
693 people have
become aware on reasons and precaution to be taken from spreading of HIV/AIDS
and TB
420 people have become aware on safe
motherhood and child survival
expertise/shared manpower and medicine from Government department during
medical camp,immunization and TBA training
6 VHSCs are
meeting regularly
9 VHND held regularly and ANM, ASHA and AWC
present in every VHND
20 VHSC members are able to prepare village health plan
1 health Sub
Centre established in Uttarkhand
§ 21 wall writing on entitlements under RTE
§ 1 School Chalo Abhiyaan organized
§ 1296 house visits done on a fortnightly
basis to motivate parents and children on relevance of schooling
§ Animators visit schools on a weekly
§ 61 quarterly meeting with parents done
by animators to motivate parents to send their children to school
§ 15 Village level sensitization meeting
on right to education
§ 1 VEC training on their roles and
responsibilities organized
§ 7 quarterly meetings of VEC organized
with an intake of 64 members
§ 11 SMCs have been reorganized and
regularized meeting
§ 24 meeting held with Pradhan and SMC
members by staff
§ Frequent liaising with Assistant Basic Siksha Adhikari by coordinator
1895 people are
aware on their educational rights
1037 parents
are sending their children to school regularly
225 parents are
visiting schools regularly to obtain feedback from teachers on their
children’s education
1540 parents
are aware on entitlements under RTE
150 children
newly enrolled into school
283 dropouts
are re-enrolled into school under RTE
260 eligible
children got scholarship
1168 children
received school uniform
4 Village
Education Committees have been reconstituted and systematized in its functioning
25 people have
become aware on role of VEC in improving education in the village
11 School
Management Committees have been reconstituted and systematized in its
1233 children
received books, safe drinking water and getting midday meal regularly