Situation before intervention
People were unaware about the animal vaccination and veterinary camps which are freely available from the veterinary department. Many buffaloes, sheep, goats, and cows were dying in these villages. People were not ready to give vaccination to their animals. They believed that it will harm their animals.
Awareness classes, discussions , meetings , group formation of the livestock owners , input sessions by the experts from the veterinary college, KVK , and veterinary department doctors, application to conduct vaccination camps & veterinary medical camps with the collaboration of veterinary college and KVK Mathura brought a drastic change in these villages.
Turning Point
The doctors from the veterinary department accompanied the ADHIKAR staff to the different villages from house to house and gave vaccination to the animals and arranged a veterinary medical camp in Junsutty village on 8th December 2012. Follow up is done by the project staff time to time.
Challenges faced
In the beginning people were not ready to give vaccination .Through the continuous effort of the staff and doctors we could achieve our goal. During the camp one goat died and after vaccination some buff allows gave less milk and fallen sick. Communication is one of the major problems in these area. Roads are not in good condition, during the rainy season we cannot go to these area 2 villages get cut off in rainy season.
Present status or changed situation
Within 10 months time we could give 6070 vaccination to the animals and conducted 3 veterinary camps along with artificial insemination, operations, free medication to 627 animals. During these months not even one single animal died in this project area. This is the best effect of networking with the veterinary college and KVK Mathura. There assistance is assured at any time by the project staff.
Sr. Lima
Junsutty village