Friday, 28 September 2012

Progress towards realizing entitlements

ADHIKAR project has been implementing in the operational areas since May 2012. Agra, Allahabad, Bijnor, Jhansi, Lucknow and Gorakhpur dioceses have put utmost effort to reach targeted population for realizing entitlements which is guaranteed by the constitution of India. Baseline survey, community mobilization, sensitizing community on various entitlements, awareness generation on roles and responsibilities of service providers, rapport building with various Government Departments etc were the major interventions initiated by partners in targeted areas.
Major interventions under Right to Work
Sensitization on MNREGA in 41 villages
Around 4000 people have been sensitized on MNREGA and its provisions through Street play/ Puppetry  , input sessions etc
·         107 job card holders applied for job and received job
·         12 people applied for job cards
Motivational training on MNREGA group formation
 13 MNREGA unions formed
Training on MNREGA for CBO members
83 CBO representatives from 2 villages were oriented on MNREGA and its provisions
Training for GP members on MNREGA
54 GP members made aware on MNREGA especially responsibilities of Grama Panchayat /Grama Sabha members, development plan preparation and works under MNREGA
Training on MNREGA for job card holders
48 job card holders who are not receiving full benefits under MNREGA were the participants
Interface meeting with block officials, GP members, beneficiaries etc
54 people took part in the meeting in which information on MNREGA, role of Block officials and GP representatives were discussed.

Major interventions under RTF
Training on modern farming
121 farmers trained on soil testing, organic fertilizers, improving unproductive land, minimum land fertility etc. Also given information on various schemes under KVK, Cooperative society and rural banks
Village level sensitization on agriculture
326 people from 6 villages were sensitized on various schemes under KVK and agricultural department
Training on livestock management
82 people trained on vaccination, injections, symptoms & reasons of sickness, ways to improve quality and quantity of milk, post birth caring, balanced diet and medicines.
Output: 6 vaccination camps organized through which 2265 animals vaccinated
Awareness creation on Social Security Schemes
129 people from 7 villages were  made aware on various social security schemes of government
Formation of Farmers’ group
4 groups formed
Formation of SHGs
20 SHGs have been formed
Formation of Mahila Mandals
15 Mahila Mandals formed

Major interventions under RTH
Street play on Health
Around 2000 people from 10 villages were made aware on various health issues, importance of cleanliness etc
Health education to adolescent girls and women
124 adolescent girls and 175 women got awareness on basic health practices, safe motherhood and child survival
90 children immunized (BCG, DPT I,II&III, measles and booster) in 4 villages
6 pregnant women immunized (TT1 & TT2) in 3 villages
Medical camps
1100 people from 8 villages benefited out of this programme.
Awareness of Government health schemes in 15 villages
People made aware on VHND Services and role of VHSC members, responsibilities of ASHA/AWW/ANM
·         All pregnant women are being registered with ANM and ASHA worker in 15 villages
·         0 to 1 year children are being registered with AWW
Formation of adolescent groups
2 adolescent groups have been formed

Major interventions under RTE

Village level sensitization meeting on RTE
873 people from 12 villages oriented on RTE through discussions/meetings
Formation of PTAs
Preliminary meeting conducted in 4 primary schools in Ambekarnagar.
8 PTAs formed in Barbanki
School Chalo Abhiyan
602 people took part in the programme including principals, teachers , children, community members and animators
132 children enrolled into schools and 43 drop outs are re- enrolled into schools
Puppet shows on RTE
2 puppet shows conducted in 2 villages where around 650 people made aware on importance of education, why education and advantages of education
Quarterly meeting with parents
12 meetings done in which  568 parents  participated. Emphasis were given on
       Regular attendance in school
       Important of basic education
       Entitlements and facilities for children under RTE and SSA
Quarterly meeting with VEC members
Lucknow has organized 4 meeting at Panchayat level in which 63 members participated. Major discussions held on
       RTE Act
       Role and responsibility  of VEC members
       School Monitoring during class time.
       Preparation of plan for school development
       Enrolment of children between the age group of 6 and 14 years.

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