Name of the Gram
Panchayat-Shivpuri Khanji, Bhawalkheda
Name of the village: Patna,
Block –
District – Shajhanpur.
State – Utter Pradesh
The above mentioned villages are 8 –
12 km. away from Banda block. The target group belongs to SC and OBC categories.
Most of the people are illiterate and the major source of income of these
people are daily wages and involved in the labour work in the agriculture
fields and during the unseason they migrate to the towns in search of work.
Situation before intervention:
Most of the People in the villages-
Patna, Kalyanpur, were depending for their livelihood on daily wages far away
in the cities. They were ignorant about MNREGA ACT. Persons in authority (Pradhans,
Rojgar sevaks, secretaries) did not take any interest to communicate /motivate
the people about MNREGA. People were unaware of getting the job cards and jobs.
Due to lack of knowledge, people do not apply for job, and they did not try for
job under NREGA. They used to go to cities in search of jobs for their
livelihood. Many of them go to work in the fields of land holders of the
village. These land holders make use of the poor people maximum and pay
The ADHIKAR Project team conducted base
line Survey of target people and collected the information on status of MNREGA
work in the target village and noticed that people are not availing the work
under MNREGA. As a result the team
decided to motivate the target people to get cards and jobs under MNREGA. Very
many times the animators met the people individually and collectively to convince
the people on the benefits of MNREGA through awareness program, and training on
MNREGA. The animators conducted the
training to 270 people and they were oriented on the procedure of obtaining the
work under MNREGA
Turning Point
The village level awareness meetings
paved the way to the people in understanding the provision of work under MNREGA
and procedure of submitting the application.
Before the intervention of the ADHIKAR animators, the people did not
know the provisions and procedures under MNREGA. When the community people got the knowledge
on the NREGA work they expressed the willingness to avail the job under
NREGA. They prepared the application and
submitted to the village secretary and sarpanch with the signatures (Thumb
impressions) of the people.. Several
times the representatives of the people and animators met the authorities of
MNREGA and requested them to sanction the benefits available under MNREGA to
the people of above mentioned villages.
Adhikar team organized series of
meetings with Pradhans, Rojghar sevaks, Secretaries, B.D.O and facilitated the
process of sanctioning of the work. As a result 146 poor and marginalized
people who had the job cards applied for job and the application were accepted
and within 15 days of submission of the application 80 people received job in
road construction work.
Challenge Faced
ADHIKAR program was viewed as a
threat by Pradhans, Rojgarsevaks, and secretaries.
They were not available in the office
in spite of giving the appointments and therefore, meeting and submitting
applications to village secretaries was a big challenge faced by the people
representatives and ADHIKAR team.
The misconceptions about the MNREGA
work influenced the people and they were not convinced about the getting work
under MNREGA in the beginning.
How the challenges were overcome
Relentless and continuous efforts of
the animators and the friendly meetings with the authorities changed their
attitude and facilitated their willing to co-operate with ADHIKAR team.
The Adhikar team motivated the people
through street plays and ensured their support in obtaining the work under
Present Status or Changed Situation
80 people obtained the work for 25 days and they
received the wages for the work done.
By seeing these people the other people in the target villages started
submitting the applications to sarpanch and village secretary for the work in
the villages. The availability of the
work under MNREGA reduced the migration of the people to the nearby towns and
now the people are trying to demand for more working days in the villages. Good rapport is developed between the people
and the service providers like sarpanch and village secretaries in the
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